Thursday, May 23, 2013

End of the year party.....

This morning when all the students got here I had my camera out and I was ready to take pictures. Then when parents started arriving and the party started I forgot..... I was so busy serving food and giving hugs I did not remember to take one picture. We had a successful party and it was a lot of fun! Thank you parents for helping me and bringing snacks for us to eat. I have had a wonderful year with your babies. Thank you for sharing them with me! I hope everyones has a GREAT summer!

I got one picture with this sweet girl and the flowers she brought me!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Field Day Fun!

Summer is almost here!! We are so ready :) We had our field day this week. Our PE coaches planned all the games and the theme. They did an ocean theme this year. Each class was an ocean animal. My class were clown fish. They were very excited seeing how Nemo is a clown fish! It was beautiful weather and such a fun day. We were all very tired when it was all over though. Here are some pictures from field day: